Positive Integers & 0 (Zero)
Sometimes people may confuse about 0 (zero), is 0 integers? If
0 is integer, after that, is it positive integers (+)? Or Negative integers (-)?
Positive Integers
Positive integers are whole number greater than 0 (zero),
example: 1, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8 … to infinity.
Negative Integers
Negative integer are whole number smaller than 0 (zero),
example: -1, - 2,-3,-4,-5,-6,-7,-8 … to infinity.
0 is not considered to be a positive integer or a negative
integer. But 0 is an integer.
Here is Black Block represented Positive Integers and Red Block represented Negative Integers. |
Well said, thanks for sharing, do you know zero is a plural number. Like if you want to express comments for different numbers, you have to do it in this way:
ReplyDelete1 comment, 3 comments & for zero its 0 comments