What is the Even Prime Number?

If you know the characteristic of prime number then you can easily find out it.
A number be a prime number if it follows these characteristic:

Number must be positive integer
Number has exactly two positive integer factors or divisors,
Number, only divisors by 1 and itself.

So on above characteristic we can say that 5 is prime Number, because it has no divisor unless 5 and 1.

Now suppose another Number 7. It is also a prime number. But both 7 and 5 are odd number. If you write a computer program or manually try to find out prime numbers you will see that all prime numbers are odd except 2, because only Even Number 2 has exactly two positive integer factors or divisors. These are 2 (itself) and 1.


  1. yeah it is interesting that mathematicians are trying to find numbers of prime number(How many in number) or the largest prime number. But 2 is the only one even prime number.


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